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Food poisoning of 458 at Japan inn potentially due to norovirus in spring water

OITA — The government of southwest Japan’s Oita Prefecture announced Aug. 16 that the number of patients treated in a recent norovirus-attributed food poisoning outbreak had risen to 458.

On Aug. 13, 28 people were initially reported exhibiting symptoms, but the number of confirmed cases has grown quickly in the following days. There is reportedly a potential link between the illness and spring water that was used for cooking and other purposes at the Ryokan Kurotakesou inn in the city of Yufu.

According to the prefecture’s food and sanitation division, of 506 people who used the facility in the 10 days up to Aug. 12, 458 people, including 325 between 1 and 78 years old, complained of diarrhea, vomiting, fever and other symptoms.

The inn reportedly used carbonated spring water to prepare dishes including “somen” cold noodles and “jidori-yaki” grilled chicken. As there was at least one patient who had only drunk the water, it’s possible it was infected with the norovirus, the division believes.

According to the division, the inn reportedly had not been carrying out regular checks of the water quality as required under the Food Sanitation Act.

The inn remains closed by management until authorities complete the process of determining the causes of the food poisoning.

(Japanese original by Yongho Lee, Oita Bureau)
